Sun morning Arabian Nights intermediate

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Sun morning Arabian Nights intermediate

Post by Mytommi »

***** Mytommi
** kane
** suryasingh
** julius2532
** Martin100
** Mustaqeem
** Nickoss
** Millot
** Varriernanda
** Currywurst
*** Noob2020
***** Bomolin
***** EmDoc

This was a rather unusual Sunday morning and the most important skill we practiced was patience – waiting for the morning fog to clear up.
We had 13 registrations for the trip and everyone showed up, although some drivers came late as the didn’t account for the thick fog on the way. This time that was of no consequence as there was also fog in the dunes and we had to wait for 2.5 hours anyway for the fog to clear up. However, nobody left and we maintained the good mood, happily chatting the time away.

Eventually at 10:00 h we could start. As there were so many drivers we split the group in two. Borja was kind enough to lead one convoy supported by Michael and I took the other one supported by Jean.
We had a nice time meandering through the dunes and practice some serious side-sloping.
At 11:15 we had a break on a dune overlooking the village and Borja and Michael had to leave because of city commitments.

The rest continued until 12:00 h when we finished the trip on the gatch road.
Obviously the sand must have been soft in places because we had many stucks (at least 5 or 6 I believe) and a number of second tries.
However, all drivers did very well and despite the stucks and second tries safety was ensured at all times.

Overall it was a relative short but exciting drive and I believe everybody went up on the learning curve.

Many thanks to Borja for leading and Jean and Michael for supporting this trip. Thanks Nick for a solid second lead in my convoy and Martin for sweeping.
Thanks all for joining and supporting and see you soon again in the sand.

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Re: Sun morning Arabian Nights intermediate

Post by Currywurst »

Thanks Thomas for the smooth trip through the Arabian village dunes and thank you Jean for accompanying us! Actually the foggy situation was a great opportunity to talk with drivers and passengers which is a bit rare at other times.
Looking forward to the next drive!

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Re: Sun morning Arabian Nights intermediate

Post by Nickoss »

Hey Thomas, thank you for the great trip, nice track and good experience.. thank you for your encouragement.. thank you for the marshal support.. it was a very nice experience.. looking forward to our next trip

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Re: Sun morning Arabian Nights intermediate

Post by Martin100 »

Great trip despite weather trying to derail the effort. Fairly challenging conditions but enjoyable. Glad to provide photo opportunity for getting stuck on top of a dune as sweeper. Looking forward to next trips.

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Re: Sun morning Arabian Nights intermediate

Post by kane »

It was a Great company!!
Drivers braved the dense foggy conditions to head to the meeting point.
It was more of social gathering where we enjoyed talking and knowing each other.
Once the fog cleared had a fun drive. Looking forward to more drives with Marshal Thomas.

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