Intermediate in Sweihan 11.11.23, convoy 2

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Intermediate in Sweihan 11.11.23, convoy 2

Post by Reji »

Many thanks to Roy arranging this trip and effective coordination for accommodating all registered members including the waiting list. And your trust in me for one convoy to lead.

the second convoy order;

Reji Mathew - Explorer - Lead
Arun Daniel - Intermediate - Second Lead
Faris El Sadek - Intermediate
Firoz Sheikh - Intermediate
Sunaif povval - Intermediate
Firoz Shaikh - Intermediate
Abdul Rahoof - Intermediate
Janko Dakovic - Intermediate - Sweeper
Dinto Joseph - Advance - Floating support

All the above drivers were reached on time except one. After deflating and safety briefing the convoy started around 2.45 pm. One of the drivers informed us he will be late. So we did the warm up drive near the deflation area. He joined us in the first half an hour. Another half an hour drive we noticed that one of the cars flags was lost. We did a turn back for flag hunting. After searching for about half an hour, we managed to find the missing flag. That flag was fixed with a vacuum suction cup. So we decided not to fix it again as it is and changed convoy order at the last second, in front of the sweeper. After the next half hour drive, one of the cars had a technical problem,not starting. By the time it was five pm. The breakdown car pulled out from the bowl and towed through the gatch road up to exit gate before sunset. While seeing us towing the car another off roader, his car was totally dead, approached us for help. Our sweeper Janko Dakovic voluntarily agreed and pulled his car up to the gate. All drivers did well and followed the instructions.

Many thanks Dinto for your support, Arun - strong support as second lead, Janko good communication as Sweeper.
Hero of the day "Faris El Sadek" pulled out the car from the bowl to the exit gate.

See you next time!


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Arun Daniel
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Re: Intermediate in Sweihan 11.11.23, convoy 2

Post by Arun Daniel »

Thank you so much Reji Bhai, it was a wonderful trip. The flag hunting turned out to be really fun :) We also had a good learning on how to tow out a car from the desert through the slopes with a front and back support! Had a great drive and day at the desert!

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Re: Intermediate in Sweihan 11.11.23, convoy 2

Post by Abdulrahoof »

Awesome drive!☺️ Ensuring both safety and enjoyment for all participants.

one standout moment was the flag hunt activity, which not only provided a thrilling fun but also turned a temporary setback—losing my flag—into an engaging flag hunt.

Moreover, Reji Bhai demonstrated his proficiency by efficiently recovering a fellow participant's vehicle. His approach involved skillfully pulling the stuck vehicle towards safety, and, in another instance, expertly holding another vehicle to prevent it from exceeding the optimal speed.

Reji Bhai's and the complete team members' unwavering commitment to the group's well-being and their ability to infuse fun into every aspect of the trip made it awesome 🤩

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Re: Intermediate in Sweihan 11.11.23, convoy 2

Post by Sunaif POVVAL »

Thanks reji bro it was nice and safe trip hope you too see you again on the sand and many thanks to Faris for the big help pulled out from the bowl and all ather members 🤩🫡🤝👍

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