New Bie trying to fly at night

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New Bie trying to fly at night

Post by cmj1388 »

My First attempt to lead at night, hence as the name states New Bie trying to fly at night….

Convoy Order:
Chris - Prado
Harrison - Pajero
Karam- Pajero
Edu - Jeep
Glen - FJ ( Sweep)

We all met before 6pm at Khazna meeting point, followed by Harrison. Explained the dos and don’t to make sure we have a safe night drive. Since the drive after the weeks heavy rain, emphasized on the safety measures to consider driving on wet sand.

It was first night drive experience for some and for me first time lead at night. Hence did a basic new Bie level start.
Made the team do a straight crest on a moderate large dune at the very first phase of the drive. More than 10 stuck at that point by two cars which we enjoyed the recovery and retry.
Thanks a lot to Glenn for the recovery of all those stuck…

We then moved further in the same new Bie fashion and once I was sure the team picked the confidence , did a bit of intermediate mode which all did very well.

We reached back to inflation point around 8.45pm to let all enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Amazing team and enjoyed driving with u all. Will do more of such as I gain confidence on leading at night.

Until next time,

Best Regards,

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Re: New Bie trying to fly at night

Post by Reji »

good to hear successful first night drive

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