Summer cursing (Tims Lead)

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Summer cursing (Tims Lead)

Post by Dirtdiver »

Thanks, Zak, for posting this trip and allowing me to lead.

**** Dirtdiver (lead)
** Lowell (2nd Lead)
** vipinmpd08
**jlundgren (sweeper)

Supported by Marshal: Octopus and Expert Redbeard

We all met on time at the Sweihan BBQ point.

We deflated and had a safety briefing, assigned convoy order and radio frequency then headed off in the dunes to warm up while enjoying the cooler morning weather.
We started heading east and side sloping in the beautiful dunes, there was only a few tracks in the area, and I didn’t have any problem avoid them. After about an hour we stopped for a short break and discussed the direction we wanted to take. Zak said head a little south and I knew that was towards Nagrah Dune. We set of in the direction enjoying side sloping the bigger dunes. Once we reached the back side of Nagrah Zak took the lead and said follow me. Zak led the convoy up the back side of Nagrah and down a little to a flat area. Then he told us we was going to do the biggest straight crest we have ever done. H gave extra safety pointers and then led us over the top of Nagrah. We had three stucks on the top of Nagrah which was quickly sorted out. We were one of the first convoys getting to Nagrah but was quickly joined by others. We took advantage of arriving early and practiced our side sloping on the high dune. After everyone had finished playing, we started heading back west towards Gate 12 inflation point. We enjoyed side sloping the medium and small dunes most of the way back. Since the convoy was made up of experienced intermediate drivers Zak took the lead again and led us on some small side crest. We took a break and Zak explained how to properly get on and off the crest safely and then we practiced a few more side crest on small dunes on the way back.

We had a few second tries and the only stucks was on Nagrah crest. Everyone did pretty well controlling their vehicles. We did have a couple that wanted to follow to close and a few drifters, but Zak quickly identified the issues and got them sorted out.

We finished the trip om time near gate 12.

I really enjoyed the morning with a wonderful group. I am looking forward to my next lead. Thanks Zak and Redbeard for supporting this trip, Jens also for sweeping and Lowell for a solid second lead.

Thanks all for joining and supporting the trip and see you soon again in the sand.


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Re: Summer cursing (Tims Lead)

Post by Redbeard »

Thank you Tim and Zak for arranging this, weather was actually nice in Sweihan this morning and Tim set an excellent intermediate track.

Well done to the second lead and sweeper, and just overall good driving and good attitudes today from the convoy.

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Re: Summer cursing (Tims Lead)

Post by Octopus »

Very good Lead Tim, and excellent support and safety tips Mikkel. Was a pleasure to drive with all of you and enjoy a nice drive all around the sweihan area.

Looking forward to the next trip together !

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