Abu Dhabi Off-Road Club Forums • Newbie adventures Sunday
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Newbie adventures Sunday

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 1:02 am
by JustAhmedo
The weather was fantastic and all reach with lovely smile and it was good to see everyone after a long time.
I was honored to have the below members in my trip and after doing detailed briefing we set the convoy to:

Ahmed - Lead
Pradeep - 2nd lead ( thanks for being a solid 2nd lead )
Rahul (intermediate)
Nandakumar - advance and sweeper (thanks for the excellent sweeping)

Floating support
Ian expert ( and part lead )
Rob expert
Paolo expert
Shajumon explorer
Marshal Hadi
Marshal Mustafa
Maryam (marshal from another club by invite)

The convoy was big and with enough support so we started slowly and I had trusted eyes and guidance at the back so we kept moving and warming up slowly and increasing the pace and we practiced couple of straight crest with few second tries and members building up confidence slowly.
By middle of the trip, Ian took the lead with me being his second lead for a while until we went back to same convoy order and Ian gave us lovely choice of track, challenging the members in an enjoyable way until we all exited safely roughly by 10:30am

All did really good and most members showed good progress along the trip.
I would really like to thank Rob, Shajumon, Ian, Paolo, Hadi and Mustafa for their support and guidance.
And thanks to all members for joining and making it a lovely morning.

See you on the next trip

Re: Newbie adventures Sunday

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:48 pm
by Mr Magoo
Thanks Ahmed for organising the trip. It was great to see such a large turnout of eager newbies and similarly eager support.
A nice area to play and learn in.

Re: Newbie adventures Sunday

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:15 pm
by Hadi77
Thank you Ahmed, beautiful trip as always. Well organized and everyone had fun. A lot of learning and getting a feel for the cars for alot of members. This area allowed them to push their cars and see how it responds. Well done all!

And ofcourse, the excellent support team!! Thank you Shaju, Ian, Rob, Paolo & Mustafa for the company.

Re: Newbie adventures Sunday

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:58 pm
by Ianzki
Thank you, Ahmed for organizing this trip in a beautiful and unspoiled dunes of Nahil and giving me the opportunity to do the part leading.

With the smooth and a challenging track All the drivers did really well controlling their vehicles.
Thank you also to Rob, Shaju, Hadi, Paolo and Mustafa for the support.

See you again next time 😎