The Track

​Most members met on Thursday evening and joined the camp site for an awesome evening around the campfire lots of grilling and more smoke. food, food and food followed by Kunafa. This was followed by few hours of sleep.

Friday morning sunrise everybody got busy having coffee, breakfast and pack the tents getting ready for the different trips. Marshals gathered their registered members and gave the relevant  briefing and convoys started the day.

On our trip as Intermediate we had Robert, Afaq, Bahhar, Ramzi and the great supporting Marshal FidoDido.

We drove on relatively very easy terrain  for about 50KM and that was due to repeated second tries and some stucks, the trip level was downgraded to avoid any possibility of accidents or unpleasant break downs. 

We value being safe and ensure our club members are safe and feel comfortable on our trips regardless. what matters to me was seeing the smile on all the faces at the end of the trip and being able to drive our cars back home.

All trip pictures were uploaded.

Looking forward to seeing you all again. 

​Time Jan 4, 2019 - 10:00 AM
Liwa, Abu Dhabi
Cars Joined 
6 Cars

Trip Schedule  


Abdulrahman Khaiwi

Amr Mogazy

Agness Monica
Interface Designer

Curabitur eget dui id metus pulvinar suscipit. Quisque vitae ligula laoreet, scelerisque leo quis, facilisis metus.

Trip Photo Gallery