Weekend wind down drive Convoy 1

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Weekend wind down drive Convoy 1

Post by Dirtdiver »

I would like to start by saying thanks to Marshals Zak and Osama, and explorers Rob and Dan. Without all of your support we would not have been able to accommodate everyone.

Tim**** Lead
Andrea+ 2nd lead
Marshal Zak*****Floating support

Even though we had several cancelations we still ended up with 14 vehicles on this beautiful November morning drive. We split the convoy and Rob and Osama took all the drivers with seven or more drives and Zak, Dan and I took everyone with six or less drives.

We had one late arrival (5min) then I briefed everyone, assigned convoy order and radio channel.

We headed east thru the technical area filled with small dunes straight cresting our way east. Everyone was doing well despite the hard sand. We continued on finding larger dunes that was a little less technical. We had several second try's and a few stucks including myself.

We crested lots of dunes giving everyone the opportunity to learn how to control their vehicles.
With a little less than an hour left my vehicle had a small malfunction. I would like to give a special thanks to Simone and Zak and everyone else for quickly getting it sorted out.

With the uncertainty of my vehicle Zak took the lead back to the inflation point.

Thanks, Andre, for a good second lead and Dan for sweeping. Thanks to Zak, Osama, Rob and Dan for supporting this morning's trips.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the sand again soon.


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Re: Weekend wind down drive Convoy 1

Post by Octopus »

Excellent lead Tim. And well managed trip. Looking forward to the next one together.

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