Khazna intermediates - 9/9/23

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Khazna intermediates - 9/9/23

Post by EmDoc »

Ahmad** Fortuner
John** JL (sweeper)
Mohammed** FJ
Toni** Grand cherokee
Vipindas*** JK (second lead)

Vaughn**** JLU part lead
Asif****+ FJ part lead
Osama***** JLU oversight

Meeting on time we set convoy order and started our trip with practice of side sloping medium to highish dunes and technical sections to improve vehicle control. Once we were warmed up, Explorer Asif took over control of the convoy and led us to the well known tree shaded rest stop on the Khazna-Sweihan border. At this point Expert Vaughn was given the reigns and took us to the exit at Sweihan west.

3 different lead styles gave our intermediates plenty of variation and fun to develop skills and adapt to different terrain.

Well done to all. There were no recoveries but plenty of second tries and a popout to assist driver development. Both of the part leads were well thought out. The routes were enjoyable and challenging and controlled with good convoy management. Thanks Asif and Vaughn, looking forward to further leads from you . And also of importance to the safety and flow of the trip was the watchful eye and advice of marshal Osama without which the drive would not have gone as smoothly as it did.

Big thanks to all for joining, till next time.

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