Advanced 101 - Sunday Morning in Al Faya

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Advanced 101 - Sunday Morning in Al Faya

Post by Dirtdiver »

Thanks Kevin for organizing and leading this trip.
Support: Marshals, Osama and Zak Experts, Rob, Maher, and I Thanks to everyone for your guidance and support during this trip.
***** Kevin (Lead)
**** Tim (2nd Lead)
** Daniel
*** Farhan
*** Andrei (Sweeper)

Floating Support Osama, Zak, Maher and Rob

All but one met and the deflation point on time. Kevin called and confirmed our last driver was 10 minutes away. We all caught up and exchanged storied watching the beautiful sunrise while waiting on the last driver.

Once the last driver arrived and deflated, Kevin gave us the advanced 101 safety briefing and explained how we was going to warm up and eventually once everyone was ready actually do some side crest.

Kevin led us into the surmise and quickly found some medium dunes to get us warmed up. Everyone seemed to be doing well and Kevin started increasing the level ever so slightly. It was a beautiful morning and everyone was enjoying themselves. We took a break and Kevin explained how the rest of the morning drive was going to be and more on safely side cresting.

Everyone did a good job for the most part we had to accomplish two recoveries and a few second tries. We also had one passenger get sick and one car left the convoy early too get some AC work accomplished.

We all arrived at the inflation point at the scheduled time, where the Marshals pointed out the few mistakes to the drivers during the debriefing after the drive.

It was a pleasant morning drive with a great group. Kevin picked a wonderful untouched track through the Al Faya desert dunes. Thanks again Kevin for organizing this drive, Thanks Osama and Zack for your support and guidance. Thanks to Maher and Rob for coming out and supporting this trip. Thanks Andrei for another great job sweeping.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the sand soon.

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Re: Advanced 101 - Sunday Morning in Al Faya

Post by ossme »

It was a great trip. Thanks, Guys for organizing it. 😁

Everyone did great and improved throughout the trip. :)
Proud to be Ad4x4 Marshal. :)

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