Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

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Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

Post by bisho »

We all met in Mahawi Petrol Station and had our Anit briefing there in the shade. We were a big group of 33 cars, we moved out of ADNOC all together and headed to the deflation point. There we were divided into smaller convoys (Anit and Newbie). Thank you Tawalbeh and Amr aka Fidodido for leading the Newbie convoy.

We were divided into smaller groups and each leader discussed his trip and the convoys were set and ready to go. Anit convoy was set having:

Leader: Bisho
Part Lead: MissoBisho
Second lead: Geert
Sweeper: Saada
Support team: Irfan- Ahmed Omar- Chris

Convoy was set and we started moving towards the big water tank. The weather was nice, a bit windy which gave us all the chance to enjoy the day. We started off with easy practice between the dunes and then started straight cresting. We moved along short and medium sized dunes. We had some second tries an a few stucks that were quickly recovered (Thanks to the big truck on board :). The drivers managed to show good control over their vehicles and we were able to enjoy a smooth drive. We reached the water tank, where we met the other convoy. The trip ended at sunset and most of the drivers stayed for BBQ and a nice chat.

Finally, I would like to welcome the new family members who joined our club last Friday (Habayeb-Jambo-JayD-Tomkosh-Asher-Shameem-SyedR-Ammar 20-Desert bus-Abuaws) and thank the support team for their great efforts.

looking forward seeing you all soon in the dunes.


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Re: Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

Post by tomkosh »

Thanks to the Leader, Leads, Sweeper and Support team for the encouragement and fun first ride. My family and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and participating in the event.


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Re: Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

Post by MissoBisho »

Amazing day with great people. Special thanks to the support team for their efforts. See you all soon in the dunes.

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Re: Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

Post by Cannonball »

Any time, I always enjoy riding with you guys. It was a very nice trip and the Anits did very well.

Welcome to all new first stars

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Re: Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

Post by irfpk »

Dear Bisho, Thanks for arranging such a wonderful afternoon trip and very delicious BBQ. Thanks MissoBisho for leading trip; your track selection was amazing. All ANIT participants did very well. Thoroughly enjoyed the company of fellow drivers.
Thanks AD 4x4 Marshals and support team, this trip would not have been successful with out your support.
Hope to see you all in future trips.

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Re: Trip Report Old School Anit/ Newbie

Post by Geert »

It was a good trip with lots of new drivers, all introduced to the sand in a safe way. Hope to see them all soon on their first newbie drive. Thanks Bisho for organizing. Cheers,


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