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Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:16 pm
by WildFire

Come on line please


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:25 pm
by WildFire
New romers,

It is possible to Regester your car after converting it to V8.
all what you have to do is the following:

Go to Rally Art ( after instaling the mods required ) then they will check the car and tell you what are their extra requirement and of cource they will charge you for that.

Then take the letter to the Traffic department and they will compare the mods on paper againest the instaled ones.

and you will sign a paper stating that you will never use the car for other purpose that what it is registred for.

So..... in this case .... i'll go back to plan A .... which is stroker engine

I'll keep you updated.