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PR and Comms mini update

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:16 pm
by tillybean
Dear Club

An interim report from your PR person.

I have been in this role for a few months now and wanted to say a big thank you for all your support. Our Club continues to grow with new members joining on a weekly basis, great trips being organised and that wonderful sense of "family" that we have that's so strong amongst us.

We have had a great time with so many different activities - the GPS fun, the Jeep Jamboree, camping in Oman, family days and of course, our weekly trips out into the desert.

Alongside this, we have also established a relationship with Beyond Experience ( who are featuring us in their magazine which is available in Abu Dhabi airport, some hotels etc, have a Facebook and Twitter page, and will soon have a Blog.

Going forward, I am hoping to continue to develop relationships with the local press as well as magazines, sister clubs within the Gulf region and anywhere else that would have a positive impact on us. It's very important as we move forward that all our key messages are in sync with our Club values and mission statement.

Therefore, could I please ask that if you are approached to do an article, piece for a magazine, give out a quote on behalf of the Club etc, that you let both myself and Antrax (Hani) know asap. A simple text, email ( or or a private message on the site would be great. We need to ensure that we know where we are being featured and to decide if its actually something that we want to do. This will in turn allow us to guide our own media and benefit the Club.

Thanks again for all your support. Long may it continue.