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Signing up for show

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:41 pm
by Mac
I have noticed recently several Marshals commenting that people who signed up for a trip Failed to turn up without any excuse or contacting the organising Marshal/Trip Leader, to inform them that they are unable to attend.

Can everyone please be aware that Marshals planning a trip put a lot of time and effort into the organisation of the trip, sometimes limiting it to a certain number of members.

If 1 person fails to turn up, it means that someone else may have missed out.

Surely it is not asking too much to contact the Marshal or trip leader to inform them that you cannot attend.

We all have issues that crop up and missing out on a trip is not the end of the world, but good manners dictate we attend the trip we have signed up for OR we cancel in plenty of time to allow another member to attend and to let the Marshal know that he is not to hang about at the meeting point for someone who has no intention of attending or who will not answer their phone as I experienced last Friday whilst waiting for a No Show.

My rules are quite strict as I will not keep a group who have turned up on time waiting uneccesarily for someone who cannot be bothered to pick up a phone. There again that person will not feature in my next trip if they prove to be unreliable.

So PLEASE if you register for a trip, be on time at the meeting point and if you cannot make it, just make a quick phone call or SMS to the trip leader, and then we will understand the reason for No Show.

Thank You.


Re: Signing up for show

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:54 pm
by Xof
well said.

small addition: members coming with additional guests (additional cars) at the meeting point without informing the marshal is also not acceptable. Our marshals are nice and don't know how to say no... this is a mistake, and this was also seen during several trip lately.

All participants joining a trip shall be registered, for responsability reason (re. the disclaimer) and also for organization reasons (no anit, no use of convoy practice, too much cars, etc...)

Don't be surprised if your "guests" are turned out when showing up.

Now that everybody has been reminded, it's up to the marshal to decide his tolerance degree... :twisted:


Re: Signing up for show

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:00 pm
by Viking
Yeah it happens sometimes that people dont show up but I on the other never call them and I never wait. I think by now that everybody is aware of that since those that do show up are there well ahead of time :-)
If you are late without calling - you are out :twisted:

Re: Signing up for show

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:53 pm
by therowntrees
Just joined the website - please forgive the ignorant questions, but;
1. We are registered, but do we have to do anything else to find out about ANIT trip and other trips?
2. how do we find out what trips are available?

Any help most appreciated.

the rowntrees

Re: Signing up for show

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:41 am
by iguana
therowntrees wrote:Hi
Just joined the website - please forgive the ignorant questions, but;
1. We are registered, but do we have to do anything else to find out about ANIT trip and other trips?
2. how do we find out what trips are available?

Any help most appreciated.

the rowntrees
Welcome to the club the rowntrees, you can check the trips and events Icon which shows the announced trips

Or check the newbies trips section on the forums some trips are announced there as well