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Levels of Authority - Revised

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:35 pm
by MegaMoe
The following post is to provide information and a description of the different levels of authority within AD4x4 - the chain of command as it were.

Level 1- FOUNDERS Committee
Megamoe - Mohammed Hunaidi - Founder & Director
Iguana – Islam El Mantawi - Founder & Chairman
Khaiwi - Abdulrahman Khaiwi - Founder & Chief Marshal
Antrax - Hani Janem – Club Manager

* Have total and complete sole discretion to over rule any decision taken by any of the following levels of authority.
* They have the sole power to veto a decision and where necessary, upgrade, downgrade and ban members. In addition , they have the right to appoint a member for special assignment and / or give a member any title they feel it is required.
* Appoint supreme Committee members.
* Handling the club accounts.
* Their decision will be final.

Adiga - Salah Shahaltough - Field & Safety Manager
Mac - Malcolm Patterson - Marshal - Training & Development Manager
xof – Christophe Miegeville - Marshal - Trips Manager
Yehia - Yehia Samy - Marshal - SC
Bulldozer - Marshal - SC

* In addition to the Founder Committee , these 5 members jointly form the Supreme Committee.
* Primarily Marshals, their additional role in the Supreme Committee is to support the Founders in the continued development of AD4x4.
* As part of the Supreme Committee they can jointly take any decision in the club and where deemed necessary, over rule any decision/s taken by a group of Marshals.
* Marshals to be appointed by the Supreme Committee.
* Explorers upgrade will require an approval of 2 Supreme Committee / Founders Commitee Members.
* Their decision will be final.
* They cannot over rule a decision made by the Founders.
* If the Founders deem it necessary to over rule a decision by the Supreme Committee it should be with the JOINT decision of the Founders.

Level 3 - MARSHALS
* Where a decision is required not involving the Founders or the Supreme Committee, the approval of 4 Marshals is required.
* The decision taken by 4 Marshals can be over ruled by:
a) an agreement from 6 Marshals, or
b) joint decision from the Supreme Committee, or
c) by one of the Founders.
(N.B. The above does not apply regarding the upgrading of a member. As per the grading system, the Marshals approval cannot be over ruled except by the Founders.)
* Marshal have the right to recommend the upgrade of a member to a Marshal. However, Supreme Committee approval is required to confirm the upgrade.
*In case of an upgrade to an Explorer, approval of 2 Supreme Committee members is required.

* Full authority of the website is the responsiblity of Megamoe and Antrax.
* 2nd level of authority is given to Iguana and Khaiwi
* Authority to upgrade members is given to SC members
* Administration rights (Edit /Delete and lock threads) is given to the Supreme Committee
* Gallery administration rights (to create albums) is given to all the Marshals.

* A Marshal running a trip shall have the sole discretion to take any decision during his/her trip.
* No other Marshal is allowed to instruct the leading Marshal during the trip except:
- either of the Founders or
- Khaiwi - Chief Marshal
- Adiga - Field & Safety Manager
* The trip announcer is the owner of the trip.
* The trip announcer (on the website) can delegate the trip leading to
any other Marshal. (However, once the trip leadership is handed over to another Marshal, the 2nd Marshal will have full control/ownership over the trip)
* Taking over his/her trip should be based on approval of the trip announcer.

* Marshals joining a trip announced by an Explorer are there to assist and evaluate ONLY.
* Marshals will not interfere in the route taken unless they feel it is not safe for the followers.
* As an Explorer is not expert in leading a trip, Marshals should always assist and advise the leader whenever he/she requires help or assistance.
* If a Marshal offers a comment or decision during the trip to the trip leader it should be respected by the trip leader.

Sweepers & Recovery
* The trip leader should appoint at least one sweeper (with GPS) at the beginning of the trip to be responsible for handling the recoveries.
* During a trip the recovery of any situation is the responsibility of the sweeper/s.
* In case help is required, the sweeper/s has the right to ask any member for assistance.
* During recovery NO MARSHAL IS ALLOWED TO INTERFERE unless help is requested by the sweeper/s.
* Side convoy assistance/driving is ONLY ALLOWED FOR MARSHALS unless otherwise decided by the trip Marshal (for example Explorers doing the God Parent Program)
* Any other member who drives at the side of the convoy should be reported to the trip leader.
* It is the responsibility of the TRIP LEADER to notify the member if a report is given.