Weelend Kick Off Intermediate drive

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Weelend Kick Off Intermediate drive

Post by Dirtdiver »

We all met at the Bu Tais Gate on tiime and deflated. I ended up with nine vehicled in the convoy. Thanks to Marshal Michael for supporting us.

Tim **** (Lead)
Suryasigh *** (2nd Lead)
Ignas **
Andrie*** (Sweeper)

Michale ***** Floating support

Today I decided to take the technical track from upper Bu tais to Lower Bu Tais Crossing the dune ranges as we went. Before entering the sand, we had one vehicle with mechanical problems and would not start. Everyone helped and got it running quickly but it was determined a faulty started. The owner made the wise decision to exit and have it repaired. He got the vehicle repaired and returned to enjoy the evening camping.

All drivers-maintained control of their vehicles along this technical track. We enjoyed straight cresting, side sloping and one nice bowl. The advanced drivers put on a show for us in the bowl and demonstrated side cresting and riding the crest. We managed to cross three dune ranges and two subkas with only one stuck vehicle. It was a wonderful drive to start the weekend and finished the evening with a lovely seafood BBQ and camping.

Thanks Suryasingh for 2nd lead and keeping everyone out of the ditches. Thanks Andri for sweeping and keeping me informed of convoy status.

Thanks Michael for keeping an eye on us and making sure we played safely.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the sand again soon (Hopefully at Iftar tonight).


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Re: Weelend Kick Off Intermediate drive

Post by EmDoc »

Thanks Tim the trip fully lived up to its name. A truly great start to the weekend.

Till next time

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Re: Weelend Kick Off Intermediate drive

Post by suryasingh »

Thanks Tim and Michael, agree it was a fun way to start the weekend!!

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