Sweihan calling Intermediates

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Sweihan calling Intermediates

Post by Eagle »

It was announced as an intermediate drive with almost 15 registrations, but on the day of drive only one Intermediate driver was left :lol: .
It is obvious as people were concerned about the weather. Nevertheless we were three cars only myself, Bashar (Int ) and Ahmed Bitto (Advance.
Since our minimum no was complete, we decided to move on after briefing. But before we could depart we saw Marshal Waseem and The Chief arriving, who were there to join my convoy. It was such a pleasure to have them with us and that made our convoy much stronger than before.

the convoy order was setup as under:

myself (Lead)
Ahmed (second Lead)
Bashar (Intermediate first time drive)
Marshal Waseem
Marshal Khaiwi (The Chief)

We started from gate 12 and played around the big dunes in the beginning to give a feel to Bashar for his first intermediate drive. We kept the level low in the beginning and gradually increased the pace as Bashar became comfortable. During midway of the trip right at the time when we took our break, rain started. We then started heading to Niagara to meet the newbie convoy. On our way we find some more side slope which we covered and finally reached Nagra right at the time when the newbie convoy was also approaching there.

The moment we reached Niagara, the rain started fast and after sometime it was raining cats and dogs with high winds. Everyone decided to head back to deflation point safely and exit. We reached the BBQ deflation point at around 5pm, one hour before the normal ending time.

Given Bashar's first drive he did well, except few areas where required assistance.

overall it was good trip with great company and excellent weather.

Thanks all for joining and special thanks to The Chief and Marshal Waseem for joining us.

until next time take care.


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