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Subset Drive

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:09 pm
by Dirtdiver
I want to thank Marshal Smiley, and advanced drivers Arthor, and Nick for their support.

Dirtdiver**** Lead
Valencia** 2nd lead

Floating support: Smiley*****, Arthor***, and Nick***

We all met at the deflation point on time and quickly deflated and had our safety briefing and assigned convoy order. We had a few cancelations but still ended up with 10 vehicles. One driver informed me that this was his 3rd intermediate drive, so I started the drive tailored to him. After the Rain the gate 12 area was full of tracks/ruts. I picked my way through them while warming up the group. After crossing the gatch we found some acceptable dunes to practice side sloping. About halfway through the afternoon we took a break with the other AD4X4 intermediate group. Shortly after the break one passenger had had enough of fighting his motion sickness. Marshal Smiley and Arthor escorted them back to the gatch road while the rest of us continued to play.

We had a few second try's and one stuck. Everyone had an enjoyable afternoon, and we ended the drive by driving into the sunset reaching the inflation point on time.

Thanks Marshal Smiley, Advanced drivers Arthor and Nick for agreeing to join us and support the convoy. Everyone did a good job controlling their vehicles for the most part, we did have some trying to go to fast and a little drifting, after briefing there was no more issues.

Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the sand soon!!!!


Re: Subset Drive

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:30 pm
by Smiley
Thanks to Tim and everyone for this enjoyable drive. Very nice track for intermediate level. Everyone did well. Of course, due to the wet sand, it's very easy to get a bit too fast, but to control this is important to lern as well.

Re: Subset Drive

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:13 am
by Noob2020
Thanks for organising and leading convoy. I had wonderful day, enjoyed the drive and looking forward for more adventures.

Re: Subset Drive

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:34 am
by Benn1969
Thanks to Tim and the support drivers for a great trip. Some nice slopes and plenty of roller coasters!