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Sweihan Intermediate trip 21/10/2023

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:51 pm
by Dan29
Initially, we had 12 people registered for the trip. 3 of them cancelled last minute and 1 couldn't join due to a flat tyre before the trip. 2 other people called me to ask for joining the trip, so we ended up having 2 convoys of 5 participants each.
Thank you Mikkel (Explorer) for his support leading 1 convoy!

My convoy order was:
Dan - lead
Samir - 2nd lead
Razvan - sweeper

We've started our trip at Gate 12 with a short delay. After warming up, we were practicing slide sloping on medium and high dunes and entrance/exit big bowls. We drove all the way to Nagrah hill and met the other convoy led by Mikkel. Samir did a nice climbing of Nagrah, but unfortunately he had damaged the oil cap and we had to pull him out of the desert (recovery made by Faris). Exit point was at BBQ point, where we met the other convoy at 6 pm
All participants did very well and we had no other incidents.

Thanks all participants and Mikkel for leading one convoy.

Re: Sweihan Intermediate trip 21/10/2023

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:44 am
by Redbeard
Thanks Dan for arranging. Was my pleasure to lead the second convoy with the more experienced drivers.
Everyone in convoy #2 did well, we covered a lot of terrain that day!