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DXB - Warriors to follow Tareq

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:07 pm
by tyacoub
Trip has started on time as planned after a detailed briefing describing all the gears and equipment,
My second lead was Ahmed Anbar and the sweeper Dharmendra. I can't ask for better support. Big thanks, mates, will done and appreciate your effort.

Followed by Simone 1st trip with a good background and amazing skills

Then Hamdan shows that he's ready and capable of the next level ( excellent )

Then Waqas with my favorite car Land Cruiser 71
Very good choice made by expert man, by the way soon you should apply for the next level.

Unfortunately, Asem couldn't complete the trip due to a sudden fever wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon.

No show for Leith and Eduardo even without info.

We managed to mix up between safe and fun drive with a couple of second try and self recovery without using the towing rope.

Thanks guys, it was a memorable trip. Wish to see you soon.

Re: DXB - Warriors to follow Tareq

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:14 pm
by hamdanxf
Thanks Tareq and team for the amazing trip. It was very fun and informative. Beautiful sunset today as well.

Enjoyed seeing you guys and hope to meet in future trips.

Re: DXB - Warriors to follow Tareq

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:24 am
by B777
Thank you tariq for the trip.
All the warriors did the best to follow .
Thank you hamdan, simone and waqas. It was pleasure to meet you and drive with you.
Thank you Dharmendra for all the support and guidance to the drivers. as always.

See you all in next drive

Re: DXB - Warriors to follow Tareq

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 10:35 am
by Sbrune
Thank you All for amazing driving and for the valuable advice received throughout the day!!! Also my kids enjoy the journey and looking for the next adventure!!!!
Tanks very much to Tareq for the organization!!!

Re: DXB - Warriors to follow Tareq

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:00 am
by mihir6066
Thank you Tareq for another fun and great trip.
It’s always pleasure to drive with you. Everyone drives very well. See you soon again.

Thank you Ahmed Anbar for your great support.

Thank you Mr. Waqas for the nice coffee to finish the trip 😊