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DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 1:17 am
by Bulldozer
hello everyone join todays trip, it was amazing performance by everybody including myself driving 2WD even the sand was so soft with a bit todays temp. i had warriors ready for the battle field, deep briefing was given to our new ambassadors and family members i hope they still remember all what we talk about, well am sure they remember it bcuz we did it ALL on the battle field, 4 hrs of hard learning to all of us was end by lovely sunset on top of the dunes with some Diesel and manakeesh, heads back to Badayer for last chitchat inflate the tires have a very nice cold Coconut, go home for a deserved nice cold shower and to bed.
Whatever Dave, DimitriGL excellent driving hope to keep practicing more to master all what we learned today
Rajesh Thank you for the 2nd lead today noticeable improvement keep it up, continue practicing.
Anbar B777 and Ramesh guys i feel always safe when u are around the convoy thank you for the recoveries and guidance to our members also for the pics.
Ramesh nice leading at the end it was very smooth and comfortable to all, continue with GAIA its becoming more useful and fremedly use.

Re: DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 1:26 am
by DmitriiGL
Thank you, Said!
It was an honor to drive in your convoy. You are totally right! We experienced and learned a lot today.
Thanks for your guidance and mentoring.

Anbar and Ramesh, thank you a lot for advise and recovery!
Dave and Rajesh, it was a pleasure to follow you today.

P.S. True heat warriors,as it was the hottest day of the year in UAE.


Re: DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:28 am
by Vampires60511
Thank you chief bulldozer for the trip.
All the heart warriors did the best to follow the Red Damon. We had one popout and few recoveries and second tries. It was all part of the game and helpful to the newbies to learn.
Thank you Rajesh, Dave and Dimitri. It was pleasure to meet you and drive with you.
Thank you Anbar for all the support and guidance to the drivers.
Special thanks to bulldozer for the Diesel and snacks as always.
Thank you bulldozer for gave me an opportunity to lead your convoy.

See you all next weekend for more fun drives on the sand 🏜



Re: DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:47 am
by Whatever
Thanks to you all, as always for sharing your precious knowledge, tips and good humour.
First time going so high, being in the dark, lots still to learn!
Special thanks to bulldozer for organising and introducing me to diesel and manakeesh

Re: DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:04 pm
by Bulldozer
it was pleasure to meet all of you, thank you for the feedback its nice to hear all good and bad comments or any suggestions (we dont have bad comments as we consider it constructive ones to improve more).

Re: DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:14 pm
by B777
We had an amazing trip with great performances by everyone and the lovely sunset on the dunes with some diesel must have been a perfect way to end the day thank you bulldozer for organizing, thanks for ramesh for continuous support thank you Rajesh Dave Dimitri for joining us

Re: DXB Heat Warriors follow RED DAMON

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:28 am
by rajeshas74
Dear Chief,
It was another great drive and learning today. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the drive and 2nd lead.

New experience every time, enjoying drive with you.

Rest of the Team, great team work to recover and to put back the tires.

Looking forward for the next