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Summer Adventure - Intermediate Convoy

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:17 pm
by cmj1388
As the name defines it was a Summer adventure to start getting adaptive to the drives in a very hot climate…

Thanks to Marshall Zak who managed to get the group arranged for the drive… Thanks to Tim who gave me the opportunity to part lead a Convoy.

After a well night camping.. myself with our fellow campers reached the meeting point before 6.30… As per the convoy split I got a well experienced Intermediate team who was eager to explore the next level..

Convoy order:
Farhan - Second lead
Bassam - Sweep
John Marshall Support.

We did start by around 6.50am for me to lead in a very new area… It was Bushy and Technical … but that would teach you to manoeuvre in such technical areas of the desert and is a needed art in desert… All did very well…

Since all the intermediate drivers has done more than 12 drives… slightly increased the level with care looking back on each of there adaptation to the terrain and the pace and care needed for the same… All three did very well including Bassem with his beautiful Jimny…

Slightly increased the level on the last section of the drive… some easy and visible cresting … no doubts all did very well…

Bassam who did a very well sweep communicating when needed and guiding the team when they were in need …Thanks Bassam for the sweep and supper that you gave me and to all of us.

Finally Thanks Marshall John who was watching us and guiding us when needed and also the pleasant attitude which helped us all to drive well. Thanks a lot for your support, and we will
Be missing this support shortly .

We reached back at 9.15 am to make sure we go back home to enjoy the rest of the day and not to be tired off.So a short and sweet Technical drive ….

Thanks to all who joined and Marshall John..

Until next time in Sand… Stay Safe


Re: Summer Adventure - Intermediate Convoy

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:26 pm
It was unfamiliar territory for you Chris but you did very well. Your route was well chosen and the ride was smooth and technical. Everyone drove very well and some still have to make progress before becoming advance.
It was very good Chris, keep leading to be even more comfortable and always think of the drivers behind you. What's easy for you isn't necessarily easy for the others.
See you soon!

Re: Summer Adventure - Intermediate Convoy

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:32 pm
by Reji
all the best Chriss..