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Trip Report Khazna Night Drive 7 July -20

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:54 pm
by tompa-bjorka
Following drivers met up at Khazna for a Newbie night drive at 19 PM :

Myself (tompa-bjorka)

(Second convoy was lead by Bisho and separate report will be posted).

Matt and myself held a brief and set the convoy order, BV1973 (Benny) as second lead, followed by Jonas, Shane, Paul (FrankCastle) and Matt as sweeper. Convoy took off, aiming at the “trees” where we usually go and make a break. Sand was pretty soft and we had some second tries, but making steady progress. Made a couple of breaks on the way and reached the trees around 21 PM, where the second convoy met up. After short break, we headed back towards the inflation point, passing through a technical area which presented some challenges. Benny with the Pajereo as second lead had to change track a couple of times to avoid tricky ditches which I as lead did not see until it was too late. Jonas with the super-short wheelbase Jimny did well and passed the sharpest crest with ease. Shane with an FJ did his first night drive, also did well. Paul, stable performance in your Jeep. And thanks Matt with the Raptor for sweeping and taking care of the one and only recovery of the night.

It was a nice night. As a lead I got to see quite a lot of desert wildlife, bats, mice, rats and a bunch of sleeping camels. Back at inflation point around 22:15 PM.

See you next time.
