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Side-Crest behind the H3 Trip Report - 13/3/2020

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:25 pm
by -V-
Lead: -V-

Support: Marshal Bisho - Marshal Missobisho

Advance: Sinan

My first leading trip!

We met on time at the deflation point where the drivers of the newbie trip and the intermediate trip gathered. Had few chats with others, tried to convince few of the advance/ expert drivers to join us, but it didn’t work for us :)

We had a short briefing where I discussed the plan for the trip, and I received a good advice from marshal Bisho to only try to have fun and not force myself as I try to find possible side cresting situations, then we hit the sand.

Sinan was the second lead, Marshals Bisho has their eyes on us as the sweeper.

The dunes were beautiful and helped me find a track which I enjoyed a lot. Since we were a very small convoy, and since Sinan has already covered many advance trips already, it was easy for me to focus on the track rather than worry about the drivers behind me.
We had couple stucks, myself involved, few second tries, and a lot of adrenaline I believe.

We then headed to the Sabkha at 5:30 as agreed with other groups.

A very exciting day for me and I hope Sinan and the Marshals enjoyed it. Thanks for joining me!

Re: Side-Crest behind the H3 Trip Report - 13/3/2020

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:25 am
by MissoBisho
Great first lead Ahmed. We really enjoyed the trip. Thanks

Re: Side-Crest behind the H3 Trip Report - 13/3/2020

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:45 am
by bisho
Thanks Ahmad for the great day nice track and safe trip, I really enjoyed it