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Mussafah SunRise Trip Report 24-8-07

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:51 pm
by DiVeR
Well, here we go again. Miro, Uristeir, Ernie, G-Man & myself met @ 6:30 in the fuel station and then to the def. point @ 7 sharp, we started moving after 15 minutes. The weather was nice in the early morning and Ernie's kids seemed to enjoy the adventure.

I was leading & Miro (who arranged this trip to relax & not to lead :evil: :evil: ) was sweeping. We started easy then the guys asked for more, so we went for nice cresting and steep descends which was really nice.

We had a lot of technical stucks (DOC say) today. We spent almost 1 hour in one area to get the Land cruiser & the Patrol out due to soft sand, eventually me & Miro also got stuck trying to pull them out. But as i got Miro out, Miro got Uristeir out, & finally Uristeir got G Man out :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . We came out @ 10:30

Thanks to every one for showing up on time, and Miro for organizing & sweeping. C U all soon 8) 8) 8)

BANNA: No Show-up

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:37 pm
by Uristier
This was a real niiiiice morning exercise :D :D :D

Lesson learned: The "PULL OUT Chain" worked like a domino :veryhot: . We had to instal a temporary dune repair station to fix DiVer's leaking break line. Hope its not leaking anymore.

Thanks to everybody for the great and cooool morning.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:47 pm
by DiVeR
:oops: :oops: Uris, forgot to dedicate a special thanks to you for the technical help with my leak. Also thanks to GMan for the tools kit. You guys are great :ad4x4:

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:02 pm
by G-man
what a way to start the day... now thats what I call off-roading . Amazing trip. I didn't think mussafah had any surprises left...I was mistaken. Thanks to Diver for leading, Miro for sweeping. Special thanks to Uristier for starting the chain reaction of getting most of us stuck and unstuck. I loved the fun.

Too tired to type any more....I'm off to "LaLa" land zzzzzzzzz

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:23 pm
by Uristier
DiVeR wrote::oops: :oops: Uris, forgot to dedicate a special thanks to you for the technical help with my leak. Also thanks to GMan for the tools kit. You guys are great :ad4x4:
Hey hey DiVeR

Do you remember? This is he AD4x4 family. You pulled me out of the s… yeah sand and I stopped the leak – that’s it.

It was a fantastic trip and I enjoyed the sand under the wheels and in the ears ha ha ha. In spite of the warm sun it was a coooool trip.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:51 pm
by Miro
a bit late to reply...
nice trip guys.. Thanks to Diver for a very nice route... Great Stucks :roll: :roll:
we managed to go back home all of us after series of stucks in a 45 degree temperature...

nice work guys and as we always say... It's our big family...
All for One and One for all :wink: