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Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:03 pm
by iguana
Sorry Urs, I don't have the locaion as my GPS was in Khalid car. Anyway .. I think everybody now knows that there will be always someone watching them ... :wink: :wink: I am going on leave from 3rd of Aug. To 3rd of Sep. so you guys watch the others till I come back ...

Thanks Doc for the cleaning trip

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:48 pm
by Chuck
G-man wrote:
Where is our environmental officer...totally silent on the subject. :?

The marshals should have taken the lead on this...I know you're all tired from recovering all the Al Maqboul Family all night...but all you had to do was point at the ground and insisted that everybody pick up something and take it home as souvenir.
Hi guys,

i was quiet because i did'nt read this before. :wink:

I think the subject is very simple, we are all grown ups.
Who ever wants to participate in our trips must know that we have the rule that we take all our trash back and do not leave it behind in the desert.

At the beginning of the trips this is normally anounced, so everybody should know it by now.

In this trip was - so far as i know - nobody which did not participated other trips before. That means that everybody knew about the rules ( which are also common sense ).

There are two posibilites now:

1. We have some people in the club which are not willing to follow such easy to follow rules
2. We have some people in the club which do not understand those rules

If No. 1 applies to that persons, i think they must re-think their behaviour because it is not our sense of treating the nature.
If No. 2 applies, we as a group have to show them clearly that such things are not accepted.

But luckely we have commited people like Uristier, Doc, G - man, Wildfire, Jo, Iguana and others in the club which are willing to raise this item in a public thread like this.

Those which are left their rubbish behind must understand that it is not a small issue for the majority of the members in the club anymore.

The people which leave their rubbish behind do it in the name of all of us, more badly, they do it in the name of the club !!.

The desert must be kept clean by us and if somebody is not willing to understand this and thinks that this rules does not apply to him, should not be part of this club anymore.

It is not only forbidden by law to dump rubbish in the desert but also it is not accepted by the members in this club.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:20 pm
by G-man
Marshals I'm sorry they subject had to be on a public thread like this, to be of any lasting effect. I'm relatively new to the club, but since I joined I've been noticing things like this, even when we don't have a BBQ. Some people were still throwing garbage through their car windows as the drove. Only VERY public awareness will help curb this bad habit.

Maybe we should start taking pictures of the culprits and put it up on a wall of shame... :oops:

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:23 am
by Doc
The trash has been collected and the area we used is now clean, thankyou to k_almagboul, Gman & Uristier for being there with me to not only clean up but have a great little off roading session. (not that this is an excuss to leave rubbish behind!)

so in summery rubbish has gone, lets all learn from this and issue now closed :roll: